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JoomlaProduction: Templates, Modules, Components and Plugin

JoomlaProduction is the site related to joomla® CMS and its environment. Expert in Template Customization, Template Development, scripting and any solution for your Joomla Development
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Price per Unit (piece): $5.85

jFancyExt for Joomla is the long awaited joomla 1.6/1.7/2.5 version of FancyUpload power gets into your joomla installation.
FancyUpload is a file-input replacement which features an unobtrusive, multiple-file selection menu and queued upload with an animated progress bar.
New skin, full localization, redirect and email after upload in this version (including Multiuser upload, image thumbnails, image manipulation, image upload view and more options from previous version).
Please upgrade your module to this latest version (2.32 - October 2014) for security reasons!

jFancy is provided as is. Please consider that some scripts or javascript external to joomla could not be compatible this module.

JFancy could not be compatible with prototype or jquery framework based scripts.

jFancy is an upload module. File upload could be affected also by php memory limit, post max size and upload max filesize vars. These options are thus mainly extern to script control and should be checked on current server configuration.

Please consider also to set the $live_site variable on config.php (especially if you are running your site on a subfolder installation)

jFancy is a joomla 2.5 Module. GPL License.
jFancy requires php5.

Downloaded 5 times since Tuesday, 3 April 2012

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